South Africa

Reopening of schools

24 August 2020 is the re-opening of schools, the schools have been closed for the pass 5 months due to the spread of corona virus.

Some parts of limpopo are not happy about the re-opening of schools due to lack of mobile classes and masks. Some areas have not received anything to use to protect school chilldren and educators from the spread of convid-19.

[COSAS] The congress of south africa student in limpopo rejects the resumption of all schools grades as part of 2020 academic year. spoke person of COSAS Sinovuya Mankayi says that schools in rural areas are less developed and will face real problems in preventing the spread of corona virus. They have not received any thing to use to protect them.

overcrowding classrooms.

Chair person Skhalo Mahladi says the department has rushed the process to re-open schools, he says only grade six and eleven should return.

Meanwhile Depatment of education spoke person in Limpopo Tidimalo Chuene says all systerm have been put to place for the re-opening. Limpopo should be happy to have received all the neccesities of convid-19. All parents should alet the pricipal if they decide not to bring there kids to school.

teaching kids rules of convid-19

Today will also be used to give out timetable on how classes will be conducted. Grade 8 and 5 will only return to school on Monday 31 August 2020.

PEU has accused the department of education of failing to consult union before re-opening of schools. Most schools in rural area are not ready, the issue of social distancing is not being practised since the department is not helping.

social distancing.

The former DA leader Mmusi Maimane sas that he will visit school in order to see if corona virus regulation are being implimated correctly.

Some party says today should be a trial day and they will not disturb the re-opening of schools.

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